110 Church Street Canterbury - Keebler Home

This distinct and impressive house was the home of William E. Canterbury and his wife Matilda BinfordWilliam was listed in census records as a farmer in 1920but as a salesman and clerk in a general store in 1900 and 1910. He was born at the end of the Civil War in 1865, a son of Thomas Canter­bury who was a Confederate Army veteran. William married Matilda in 1904, and in 1905 they bought the house and lot on Church Street from Frank G. Hertzler and Harvey Anderson.  This purchase was recorded in Deed Book 91, page 598.

When William Canterbury had a store, it was located in what has more recently been Hughes Hardwarethe two-story building south of the railroad tracks216 Main Street. Matilda died before the 1930 censuswhen William was listed as a widower. William was a nephew of an older William Canterbury in the townbut that one had the middle initial "J." William J. Canterbury lived on the west side of Sullivan Street, in the Pension Row area when it had a Masonic Lodge that shared a building with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church thereWilliam J. was listed in the 1900 census as a farmerbut in 1910 and 1920 he was shown as a preacher or minister. Perhaps he preached in the Presbyterian Church near where he lived. His wife was Katie K., who was about 15 years younger than William J., who died in 1941 at approximately age 98.