Haney-Gillespie house is one of the oldest houses on Church Street. It was built circa 1885 by Dr. Haney a
Madison physician. Mr. Haney lived there
until 1903. The house changed hands
several times until Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gillespie purchased it in
1928. Mr. Gillespie was superintendent
of Madison Waterworks for many years.
The L-shaped house is a good example of a
late nineteenth century cottage with its Victorian gingerbread
decoration. Decorative brackets are
attached to the ends of the wooden version of a string course which extends
across the front of the house. The
corner porches at front and back have partially turned posts with brackets that
connect the gingerbread decorations on the cornice boards.
The house remained in the Gillespie family
until Mrs. Gillespie's death in 1994.
Her husband died in 1985.